Tuesday, July 22, 2008

No Pre-rinsing of the Dishes? Huh?

This is probably pretty obvious to most of you, but it wasn't to me. I guess because I grew up rinsing my dishes before putting them into the dishwasher I just always have done it that way. I was reading in a magazine a list of top ten ways to be green in 2008. One of the ideas was to skip the rinsing of your dishes.

Hmmm...really, just skip it? I was skeptical. I decided to try it. It worked. My dishes still got clean. I then began to really break this down in my head. How did it work? How was that so? Everyone knows you actually wash your dishes prior to washing them in the dishwasher.

Well, I decided that back in the day it was necessary to pre-wash. Today dishwashers do a better job. So, we pre-wash because that's what we always did.

On a side note, I've been skipping the heated drying in an effort to save on energy for quite some time now. If my dishes get spotty, then oh well. I can live with that.

So, I dare you to try it. Put those dishes in un-pre-washed and let 'er rip!


Kristen said...

What if you only run it every 4-5 days and all the food is dried and caked on the plates/bowls?? It STILL works?

Jeanne R said...

ah, ha! I don't know. I have to say it is worth a try though. these days we run it almost daily with bottles, etc. try it, then let me know!