Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Cloth Grocery Bag (and the Important Sticker!)

I am resolved to doing the easy "green" things that do not require much monetary investment. So, I loaded up on the $1.00 cloth grocery bags.

Sidenote: I have always thought the plastic bags your get from the store are a nusiance anyway. I normally end up with 50 or so stashed in my pantry until I get that strange (yet brillant) invention from IKEA hung up on my wall in the garage to stuff the bags. I haven't gotten that hung up in my new house. Instead of fighting it, I use the cloth bags 80% of the time when I go shopping. I say 80% since the leftover 20% is for all the times that I forget the bag or I am already out and about and decide to pop into the store. Hey, I'm not perfect.

So, onto my really great tip. If your grocery store did not provide you a sticker to put on your rearview mirror of your car, then just make your own sticker from a mailing label, etc. My grocery store gave me a sticker to place on the rearview mirror to remember the bags! I almost lost my mind with excitement when the clerk handed it to me since that is the battle that I constantly face - taking the bags in the house with groceries, but forgetting them on my next trip to the store! Brillant!

Ok, it is the small things that excite me. So, buy the bags, put up the sticker and use the "I forget my cloth bags only 20% of the time with this system" bags to pick up the dog waste on your morning walk with your pooches!


Kristen said...

What a great idea! I'm terrible at remembering the bags. Another idea, when you forget the bags, is to remind the person bagging your groceries that you would like to use paper bags. Not so great at picking up pooh, but awesome for wrapping packages that have to be shipping over the holidays!

Jeanne R said...

I agree that it is better to ask for the paper bags rather than the plastic. I guess that is why Trader Joe's uses the paper bag option if you forget your cloth bags.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a good idea if you are a forgetful person.