Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Green Baby Shower

A year or so ago I threw my sister-in-law a "Red Tent" baby shower. I was reminded of this shower yesterday while reading The Eco-burban blog. So, I thought I'd tell you a bit about the concept today at One Green Baby Step.

First, the Rent Tent part of the concept was really just to bring some useful things you used with your baby that you could introduce to a new mother. It was about women sharing with women.

The overall concept of the party was for friends and family to bring my sister-in-law items for the baby that they were no longer using but she could use. Many times people have things their baby barely wore, didn't wear at all since it was the wrong season, barely played with, etc. Some people don't feel comfortable with having their baby or child use items from strangers, but if they are gently used items from friends they are thrilled and grateful.

To make a long story short, she received probably ten times the baby items someone would receive at a traditional shower. (Side note: She did have two showers, which I suggest. Every new Mom wants new things for her baby too!) Her friends and family were absolutely elated to give her all the almost new things they couldn't bare to just see drive away on a second hand store truck. They were excited to tell how their child used each item. It made for great conversation versus what can sometimes be the mundane conversation of a traditional shower.

So, if your friend is having a baby and their family is throwing the traditional shower. Why not throw them a second shower to celebrate the environment?

Jeanne R


Kristen said...

I LOVE this idea. Why is it called a "Red Tent" shower? Have you read the book? :) Someday, when I have a little girl, I hope she gets all your kids' hand me downs!!!

Jeanne R said...

Oh, you will!