This is a short story.
I went to Target today. I forgot my cloth bags, so I had to take their plastic bags since I had too much to carry in my hands. I thought about going home to get the bags, but that negates the purpose since I'd be wasting gas doing that.
I asked the cashier to just combine the bags since she had made my green heart palpitate by double bagging everything and placing only a couple items in each. She obliged by combining everything into 3 double bags. But then...
She threw the bags I didn't want in the trash. In the trash. In the trash. In my mind, I thought she'd use them for the next customer.
I took a deep breath, picked up my heavy, over-stuffed bags and walked towards the door.
What would you have done?
I totally pack my own bags if I happen to forget (or if I don't) my reusable bags. My hubby hates shopping with me but you have to tell them how to do their job...and why you want it done that way. I would probably have just made a quick comment about the bags in the trash...ECO-EECKS!!!
I agree with having to tell people why you are wanting something done a certain way.
I think I was in shock that she didn't understand why I didn't want that many bags. I still wonder what people are thinking so often when they are so wasteful.
I have a hard time with this, too. Eckert Tolle says that being "right" is an act of war. Think of the energy you put out when you think poorly of someone who doesn't see things the way you do. Instead of internally seething or making her feel like an ass by showing your moral superiority, perhaps say a quick prayer that she find peace in her own life...either she'll come around or she won't but at least you won't have added more negativity to either of your lives.
When I am faced with this issue I ask for the largest bag they have. makes for awkward carrying, but I can then use the jumbo bag for the weekly garbage bag.It still uses a bag but I guess I rationalize it saves a reg. garbage bag I would have to use anyway. If it makes you feel better, those Target bags are great for reuse because they are a little thicker than grocery bags. Just keep them in your car and you will always have backup in case you forget your cloth bags.
As far as her throwing them out...I would have just politely asked for them and stashed them in the car. Better to have them used a few times than not at all.
I really struggled with this for a long time. What finally worked for me was to tell the cashier NOT to bag anything ... to simply put it back in the cart. Then, I "drive" the cart to the parking lot where I put my purchases either into a reusable bag (if I've remembered to bring any), a box that I keep in the trunk for just such occasions, or the backseat when I'm totally unprepared. Here's the great part ... not having to bag my purchases makes the cashier's job easier so they are always happy to oblige. Since they are happier, they are also more willing to consider "green" themselves. :-) And, not bagging my stuff means they don't even take one of those plastic bags off the hooks ... that's the magic point of no return ... once off the hooks, those bags are either used or tossed.
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